(651) 888-0696 nalty.missions@gmail.com

About us

Luke's Testimony and Call to Ministry

I grew up in a Christian home and trusted in Christ when I was six years old. It wasn’t until I was about 14 that I started regularly reading my Bible and praying. I am thankful for my parents’ example of daily spending time with God. When I was about sixteen, I read a gripping book about evangelizing the lost. Through this book, God strongly convicted me about my need to share the gospel with the lost. God grew my faith tremendously as I learned more about Him and as I shared Him with others. I praise the Lord for His faithfulness in working on me and thereby developing my heart for missions.

God called me to the ministry on May 25, 2016 at a revival meeting held nearby my hometown. It was a Wednesday night meeting that I was privileged to be able to attend. The Holy Spirit convicted me about the truth of hell and about the great need to evangelize the lost. At the invitation, the evangelist asked if there were anyone present who thought that God was calling him to full-time ministry. Believing that God was calling me, I raised my hand and went forward when they had the invitation time. I kneeled at the altar and surrendered to God’s plan for my life. Someone came next to me there and prayed for me. I sat there at the altar and cried, knowing that God wanted me in the ministry. I was and still am so excited to serve the Lord in full-time, vocational ministry. Since then, I still have great confidence that God wants me to serve Him in the ministry. I have a great desire to serve God in this capacity and am thrilled to see what God has in store for my wife and I as we seek to serve Him faithfully. God developed my heart for missions and evangelism specifically as I shared my faith with my coworkers, neighbors, and strangers. Since God called me to full time ministry, the best way to follow through with His call is to serve Him on the mission field where laborers are greatly needed.

Celina's story

I grew up in Honduras as a missionary kid and absolutely loved it. I got saved at the age of five through the influence of my older brother who was only around seven at the time. That day, I realized that without Christ I would go to hell if I died. Thankfully, my older brother helped me to know how I could trust in Christ alone as my Savior and be on my way to heaven. I wanted to be on the mission field when I got older. God worked it out that Luke and I married after meeting at Pensacola Christian College while I was studying Elementary Education.


Our aim and our goal is to go into all the world and preach the gospel, making disciples of Jesus Christ – knowing God and making God known through His Son, Jesus Christ. We want others to know the love that God has for them and the price He paid for their sin so they can have forgiveness of their sin and the hope of eternal life.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:15


If God said, “Why should I let you into heaven?” what would you say?


I am a pretty good person overall


I go to church consistently


My family is Christian


God is loving and surely would overlook my flaws


The blood of Jesus Christ has made me right with God. It is only by His grace through faith.

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